An Only Child?, by Charles Wood


Here in LA County, it looks like Mom and Dad only had one puppy this year. The two times I’ve been able to spot them with a puppy this year they have only been with one.


In the MomPup photo, Mom is watching out just to the right of the puppy. Dad is to the left of the puppy, completely hidden by the bushes. This is one well protected puppy and it looks healthy and strong.

Posting written by Charles Wood. Visit Charles Wood’s website for more coyote photos: Charles Wood. His work is copyrighted and may only be used with his explicit permission.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Barbara Knupp
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 20:22:06

    I keep hoping to see a coyote pup one day. I did see a half grown with its parents over a year ago – or at least that’s the way it looked to me. We had a mild winter and plenty of rabbits here so think a litter would have had a fairly good chance. Maybe the pups are just well hidden but all I see are 1 (sometimes 2 adults) even with a game camera. I’m looking forward to what I see in the Fall when the young are more grown and the crops are harvested. Maybe I’ll be more likely to see them then. Thanks again for the photos and info. I’ve been fascinated by coyotes since we moved to our KY farm. Despite the dire warnings about coyotes, we find them to be interesting, attractive, good neighbors. They do their best to stay well away from us and I’ve never seen a coyote when our dogs are out in their fenced yard. I let the dogs out together and I suspect their activity and barking discourages the coyotes. Anyway, thanks again!


  2. Charles Wood
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 09:39:03

    Thank you Barbara. I hope you get to see some pups too! Mine I see from fairly far away, and infrequently. A couple years ago a young one approached me. It got a scolding for that from its dad, and so did I. The best thing to do if a young one does approach, of course, is to scare it away. I hope you can follow up with some photos and more stories in the future.


  3. Barbara Knupp
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 13:29:23

    I’m in awe of the great photography! I set up a blind in a secluded spot on the farm and after a few days, slipped in with my camera – and limited knowledge/skills! A doe came fairly close and practically posed for this clumsy amateur. However, my coyote photos are pretty bad. In evening a coyote trots down the hay field moving quietly, quickly, purposefully until he reaches his goal – the corn field. He is pretty suspicious of my blind. I set out game cameras but often get little more than a coyote tail or foot while the deer practically pose. Even the bobcat was easier to catch on the game camera. So I really admire the great photos as I realize just how difficult they are to take. I may have better luck once the soybeans are harvested – the mice feed on the leavings and the coyotes hunt the mice. One of the great joys of the farm is watching the workings of nature. Everything seems to have a season and a reason. Sometimes I feel more spiritual alone watching nature at work than sitting in a church – oh don’t tell my priest :)


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